Fraggle Rock Crew has established itself as one of the few premiere break-dance crews in the North-West. Having danced together for more than 6 years, they have opened for such artists as Busta Rhymes, Jurrasic 5, DJ Clue, and many others. Heavily rooted in the break dancing culture, Fraggle Rock Crew is also recognized as a force to be reckoned with in break competitions: winning numerous battles in the North-West and placing in the top 16 at the Lords of the Floor national competition.

Fraggle Rock Crew also prides itself in being one of the most diverse crews in the nation. This diversity is reflected in their performances with performances that are influenced by hip-hop and salsa dance, and popping and locking. FRC also offers a wide variety of shows that include performances by spoken word artists and rappers, and workshops to educate audiences on the positive aspects of the culture. Audience members are also kept on their toes with crowd interactions and opportunities dance with Fraggle Rock on stage. With the explosive nature of their shows, spectators always walk away in dismay, and with the popularity of break-dancing becoming a national phenomenon, FRC will continue to do what it does best: dance.